Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Comforts of Home

Warm Baths with the lights out, candles on and silence so loud that it's deafening.

Your own bed with lots of covers and soft pillows. Sarah McLachlan playing and the world's cutest and loyal puppy dog to cuddle up to you to listen to it.

A full fridge of food no matter what you want to eat, it's there. Even the cereal you weren't allowed to have as a kid is there on standby... just because.

Movie night where you move the couch and throw down blankets on the floor and nuzzle in.

Body Shop candles and fragrances.

A good old school Beaver Canoe or Roots Sweater that is nice and faded.

Slippers that are always warm.

Ordering Pizza and watching old movies like Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Naps on the couch for no good reason.

Jumping in the truck for a drive to nowhere with the sunroof open.

Moving the furniture around.

Cooking for friends coming over and they do the dishes!!

BBQ's in the summer with bonfires in the backyard, guitar players, ice in my Rye and Ginger, and my dog by my side.

Of course of all of this under the stars which you can see plainly beside the crescent moon looking down on us.

Hitting golf balls off the bluffs into Lake Ontario.

Playing on my hockey and curling rink in my backyard under the floodlights of a crisp winters night surrounded by trash talking losers who cant score on me...hahahaha

Inviting the kids on my street to come over on a sunny Saturday and play shinny with their friends and we all have hot chocolate and pizza in between floods.

Sleeping in the igloo in my backyard feeling as warm as can be. Surreal, but fun.

Waking up and seeing your child smiling at you like it's the time you've laid eyes on them. Then watch them run around and jump into your arms and give you the biggest warmest bear hug. Sigh...

With all of this, it's a wonder that I travel as much as I do, and leave my little nest. But I do... But coming home to my house on the bluffs makes it worth it every time, and I never miss it because it always welcomes me home time and time again.

Its not the biggest or nicest house on the block, but its home...So many things suck in life, but just for a moment I can come back to these thoughts and feel balanced yet again.

Enough to fight another day....

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