Sunday, December 11, 2011

Are Smokers Miserable People?


I've just spent an afternoon observing people who smoke.

I've walked away from the experience completely baffled about this. First of all, I should begin by telling on myself here. I think smoking is a nasty habit, and I look down on every single person who is trapped into this vice. I don't really like the fact that I look down on them, yet I just feel this way. I'm quite sure that are habits of mine that some could look at as being nasty as well, so I get it, yet for now, I really don't like the fact that people smoke and subject others to their habit...

Here is what I saw from my view in the cheap seats today.

I saw every smoker light up their cigarettes with fellow smokers right in front of many "No Smoking" signs under the awning of a building. Asking them if they would move over to the other side of the "No Smoking" sign just made their days. Smokers love it when you tell them that they cant smoke wherever they want to smoke, ESPECIALLY right in front of the "No Smoking" sign. hahaha. They get a real kick outta that. In fact, I think people pick up the nasty habit just so they can learn how to tell people to "Fuck Off" in such situations.

What happens next is just the most disgusting thing to watch. They finish their butts, and then drop the wasted cigarette on the ground. Sometimes they stamp it out, and some leave it to burn, but then they all walk away. Others simply flick their butts into the streets, sidewalks and just walk away. It absolutely disgusted me.

We can't live in a society where we get looked down on if we don't recycle, yet millions of these people routinely and habitually throw away cigarettes, and they think nothing about it, as if it's a non-issue.

You got to be shitting me...

And it's like we as the non-smokers are the bad people for calling the smokers on their shit. Smokers always become defensive about being smokers. Why is that? It would be so nice if they could simply look at themselves and say something like, "You know, you're absolutely right. I'm too weak of a person to kick this habit. I've struggled with it for years. To tell you the truth, I don't even know why I was too stupid to start smoking; Because the selling features of the habit like yellow fingers, bad breath, yellow teeth, smelling bad, and the cost of it, let alone what it's been doing to my body seems to not be paying off so well. Now that I am a smoker, I can see how inconsiderate I am being, but I really don't give a shit. I just feel the urge to be defensive about my conflict to continue smoking, and I will continue to make everyone else around me wrong for my inconsiderate behaviour. Until the day I realize that I am powerless over this filthy habit and decide to actually take a stand for myself, I will simply continue to be miserable to people who mention anything about me smoking in public."

I think if just one smoker would say that to me, I would leave the rest alone...


  1. You know, you're absolutely right. I'm too weak of a person to kick this habit. I've struggled with it for years. To tell you the truth, I don't even know why I was too stupid to start smoking; Because the selling features of the habit like yellow fingers, bad breath, yellow teeth, smelling bad, and the cost of it, let alone what it's been doing to my body seems to not be paying off so well. Now that I am a smoker, I can see how inconsiderate I am being, but I really don't give a shit. I just feel the urge to be defensive about my conflict to continue smoking, and I will continue to make everyone else around me wrong for my inconsiderate behaviour. Until the day I realize that I am powerless over this filthy habit and decide to actually take a stand for myself, I will simply continue to be miserable to people who mention anything about me smoking in public.

    Now, you must leave us to smoke in peace :P

  2. So much of that is true. Try being a business owner and having to pay people to go outside and smoke. Lets say they need 4 smoke breaks a day and each one lasts 8 min figuring the time to put on a coat, work your way outside, smoke then get back inside and get back to work. Now let's be nice and round down to 30 min per day by the 250 or so working days per year. Now that's 125 hours a year I have to pay you for smoking at an average wage of $20 per hour means you smokers cost me a minimum of $2500 per year per person. Completly stupid! I have put a change into my company. We will not hire smokers anymore, we do health screens for all employees each year and if they smoke they get a $15 premium increase to help pay for the additional health care costs (as do people that are over a 30 BMI and high blood pressure) I figure I will do my part to help stop this bad habit and save myself a bunch of money in the future.


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